Tracker TK-102 2 (Xexun)

Z bezpečnostních důvodů jsem pořídil tracker TK-102 2 (Xexun)
Tento tracker zvládá předávání souřadnic místa, kde se nachází, jak v modu GSM (SMSky), tak GPRS (datová přenos). Zároveň je schopen při ztrátě konektivity tato data ukládat na SDHC kartu. Požadované služby je možno zvolit a nastavit pomocí SMS kódů zasílaných na SIM kartu v tomto zařízení. Provedení zadané služby zpětně oznámí SMSkou. Pokud se člověk nechce zaobírat množstvím možných příkazů, tak pro základní funkci, vyhledání zařízení, na kterém je tracker umístěn stačí vědět, že po zavolání na tracker dojde SMSka s polohou. Informace dojde v jedné ze dvou variant, buď jako odkaz Geo-info (GPS) pro Google maps,  anebo LBS (GSM lokalizace).   

1. Balení :

zleva nahoře
- nabiječka - stojan,
- tracker s vloženým acu,
- druhý accu,
- druhý (nemagnetický kryt)
 zleva dole
- nabiječka - adapter
- micro USB (atyp)
- návod (angl.)
- neprodyšný sáček

2. Seznam SMS příkazů - originální :

    Pozor na styl psaní příkazů - vše psát malým písmem. Pozor na počáteční velké písmeno !!!
 význam   SMS command 
inicializace a reset   begin123456
změna hesla   654321
oprávněný mobil admin123456 +777666555
zrušit oprávněný mob  noadmin123456 +777666555
zaslat adresu místa address123456
posílat souřadnice 5-krát po 30 sec t030s005n123456
posílat stále souřadnice po 30 sec t030s***n123456
ukončit zasílání  notn123456
mód - tracking (default) tracker123456
mód - monitor - odposlech     monitor123456
autostorage (autom.ukládá GPS)*  
ukládat GPS na SDHC kartu (5x po 30 sec) save030s005n123456
ukládat GPS na SDHC kartu (stále a po 30 sec) save030s***n123456
smazat paměť karty clear123456
nahrát aktuálná data (jen v režimu GPRS)    load123456
nahrát data jednoho dne (YYYY-MM-DD) load123456 20140311
aktivovat otřesové čidlo (po každém otřesu) shock123456
deaktivace otřesů noshock123456
opuštění sektoru (vlevo-dole - Vpravo-nahoře)** stockade123456 LatLon;LatLon
konec hlídání sektoru nostockade123456
hlídání pohybu (cca 200m)** move123456
konec hlídání nomove123456
překročení rychlosti (např. 80 km/h)*** speed123456 080
konec sledování rychlosti nospeed123456
SOS tlačítko **** 3 sec
ukončit SOS help me!
slabá baterie (přijde aut. SMS - každé 3 min)  
stav GPS,GSM,GPRS, baterie check123456
IMEI imei123456
lokální čas (zona 8) time zone123456 8
GPRS zapnout  gprs123456
APN (verze bez hesla) =
vodafone = internet
telefonica = internet
APN (verze uživatel a heslo) =
apn123456 gprs gprs
tracker server  adminip123456 [IP] [port]
PŘEPNUTÍ SMS/GPRS sms123456  vs   gprs123456
zatím nemám server pro GPRS  
*     když nefunguje GSM nebo GPRS
**   musí být 3-10 min bez pohybu. Vysílá SMS s GPS každé 3 min
***  nedávat méně než 50 km/h kvůli GPS driftu
**** pošle na všechny autoriz. čísla SMSky (každé 3 minuty). Zastavit SMSkou help me!
Takže prakticky stačí ponechat historii SMSek v mobilu a pro potřebnou volbu ji znovuodeslat
Pozor na velká písmena. Tracker klidně odpová OK a není to pravda. Např. odvolání SOS pomocí "Help me!" je špatně. Musí být "help me!", jinak
budou stále chodit SMSky  

3. Ovládání a sledování pomocí GPRS

Na základě korespondence s Richardem (Applette) začínám používat aplikaci pro Android TKmon (cca 180 Kč).
Nejnovější verzi, kterou mi poslal, jsem nainstaloval 28.3.2014.

As promised, please find some new Beta code which will hopefully work better with your Tracker. (see the list of working commands below)
The following commands should now work properly
·         Begin
·         Password
·         Admin
·         Noadmin
·         Call to track
·         txxxsyyyn (Auto track on)
·         notn (Auto track off)
·         Monitor
·         Tracker
·         Shock
·         Noshock
·         Stockade
·         Nostockade
·         Move
·         Nomove
·         Speed
·         Nospeed
·         Low battery alarm display
·         SOS alarm display
·         SOS alarm cancel
·         imei
·         Time Zone
·         Apn
·         Adminip
·         Gprs
·         Sms
The following functions are partially implemented – I will send you updated code shortly
·         Save – Uses the ‘Log Position to SD card’ function - On
·         Clear – Uses the ‘Log Position to SD card’ function - Off
·         Load – Uses the ‘Send SD card data to the Server’ function - On
The following function is not supported at this time  and would have to be entered manually if required:
·         Check - may be possible in a future version

Takže označím do tabulky - OK, bude, příště

 význam   SMS command 
inicializace a reset   begin123456
změna hesla   654321
oprávněný mobil admin123456 +777666555
zrušit oprávněný mob  noadmin123456 +777666555
zaslat adresu místa address123456
posílat souřadnice 5-krát po 30 sec t030s005n123456
posílat stále souřadnice po 30 sec t030s***n123456
ukončit zasílání  notn123456
mód - tracking (default) tracker123456
mód - monitor - odposlech     monitor123456
autostorage (autom.ukládá GPS)*  
ukládat GPS na SDHC kartu (5x po 30 sec) save030s005n123456
ukládat GPS na SDHC kartu (stále a po 30 sec) save030s***n123456
smazat paměť karty clear123456
nahrát aktuálná data (jen v režimu GPRS)    load123456
nahrát data jednoho dne (YYYY-MM-DD) load123456 20140311
aktivovat otřesové čidlo (po každém otřesu) shock123456
deaktivace otřesů noshock123456
opuštění sektoru (vlevo-dole - Vpravo-nahoře)** stockade123456 LatLon;LatLon
konec hlídání sektoru nostockade123456
hlídání pohybu (cca 200m)** move123456
konec hlídání nomove123456
překročení rychlosti (např. 80 km/h)*** speed123456 080
konec sledování rychlosti nospeed123456
SOS tlačítko **** 3 sec
ukončit SOS help me!
slabá baterie (přijde aut. SMS - každé 3 min)  
stav GPS,GSM,GPRS, baterie check123456
IMEI imei123456
lokální čas (zona 8) time zone123456 8
GPRS zapnout  gprs123456
APN (verze bez hesla) =
vodafone = internet
telefonica = internet
APN (verze uživatel a heslo) =
apn123456 gprs gprs
tracker server  adminip123456 [IP] [port]
SWITCH SMS/GPRS sms123456  vs   gprs123456
Moje zařízení má nově označení TK102APN - viz mail Richard 26.3.2014
Vasek Hi As promised, please find some new Beta code which will hopefully work better with your Tracker. (see the list of working commands below) Please load it as you did the previous beta (no need to uninstall) and follow the instructions below: From the “Devices” tab select your tracker and choose “Edit” then “Main Settings” from the pop-up menu. Change the device type to “TK102APN” and press “Save” Now press the “Extra Options” button at the bottom right of the screen and then press your Android Menu button and select “Show Defaults” from the pop up menu. Now press “Save” and then “Exit” from the next screen. Sorry this took longer than I anticipated – Thank you for your patience. Please let me know how you get on. Regards Richard Ps As this is Beta code and I haven’t tidied up all the documentation yet there may be some new undocumented features/menus etc.
Appedix :
Ještě tu mám korespondenci s autorem uvedeního programu :

From: Applette Support

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 1:57 PM

Subject: RE: GPRS - IP Adress and Port


Thank you for buying TKMon
I have attached below some additional information on set-up and usage of GPRS mode with TK trackers.
Please let me know if anything isn’t clear or if you require additional information.




TK Device - How to use GPRS


Most TK type devices can send their position information using one of two methods:

SMS – In this mode the TK device receives commands and sends all its responses via SMS usually directly to the phone that sent the request.

GPRS - In this mode commands are still normally (although some devices can be controlled via GPRS too) sent to the TK device  via SMS from a phone.  However, position & alarm updates are sent not to the phone but directly to a configured server.   It is then the job of the program running on the server to accept and process these position messages.  In most cases you would then need to log into a service with a browser in order to see the actual position on a map.

Why do I need a GPS Mapping Service?


Under normal circumstances you cannot directly communicate with a TK device from your Android phone using GPRS. This is basically because the TK device can only speak to a fixed IP address and port.  The IP address that you have on your phone is normally provided (very) dynamically by your cellular carrier and may (will) change depending upon your location, network congestion etc.  Whilst you can find out what IP address you are currently assigned you cannot rely on it being the same a few seconds later.


To use GPRS mode you basically have to go through an intermediate server/service which has a fixed IP address (which they provide to you when you sign up).  The server must be running some software that can accept connections from the TK device and read and process the incoming position messages.  The service provider then normally makes this information available via a web page which you access with a browser on your PC or phone.


There are several web based services available that will allow you to connect to their servers so that you can use GPRS mode. Some of these are free – some charge. A reasonably well known one is at (please note I have no connection with this service and there may be many others that may suit you better) A good place for further general information is the website they have a lot of excellent information and a forum that deals with TK devices. (Again, I have no connection with them and other forums are available)

Configuring GPRS.


You will need to set the following in order to use GPRS.


1)      Your TK SIM must be enabled for GPRS and have some credit on it.

2)      The Access Point Name (APN) for the TK device’s cellular carrier.

3)      An APN userID and/or password if required. Some carriers require them, some don’t. You may be able to find this information on your carrier’s web page or you may need to contact them directly.

4)      Host server IP and port address. These will be supplied by whichever GPS Mapping Service you choose to use.

Will I ever be able to use GPRS directly with TKMon


I am working on a linked service for TKMon which will allow you to use GPRS directly (via my servers) from the app.  Unfortunately this will not be free (estimate cost to be approximately £1/500msgs/month) as I have to support a server infrastructure.  It will however be completely transparent to the user and will look just like the SMS functionality.  i.e. no need to use a browser and messages will be stored and displayed like the SMS ones but without the SMS costs.  (Depending upon the type of usage you need and your cellular tariff this can be a much cheaper option than using SMS)  Please let me know ( if you would be interested in trying this when I have the beta available (the beta will be free) and I will keep you informed.

So why bother with GPRS?


In terms of which method is better, I guess it comes down to which of the following apply/are important to you:


·         SMS mode can be directly displayed on your Phone by TKMon etc. without you having to do anything. i.e. it is quick and easy.

·         GSM SMS text coverage is often better in remote areas than GPRS.

·         SMS does not require you to leave potentially sensitive position information on a third party server.

·         SMS messages may be relatively expensive depending upon your carrier package and how many updates you are planning to do.

·         GPRS mode – currently requires an external service provider who runs a server at a fixed IP address who will process your messages – some services are free for small volumes others will charge you. You will also normally need to log in using a browser (you can do this on your phone usually) to actually see the map.

·         GPRS mode may be cheaper if you have a cheap data package from your cellular carrier (the amount of data needed is relatively small) and you are planning on receiving many position updates

·         In GPRS mode, some TK devices allow you to store position data when the GPRS server is unavailable. This information can then be uploaded to a server when the GPRS connection is restored.




Most TK102-2 devices have the ability to log tracking information to their SD Card (although each clone may do it slightly differently) and then upload it later. That may be a more effective way of enabling logging flight data although you would need to check it works correctly on your device. Also, GPRS coverage is likely to be a bit better the higher you go so you may get a better signal when flying than on the ground. I should hopefully have my server operating in the next few weeks.  I will let you know so you can try it to see if it will work for you.



Ps I always welcome feedback and suggestions for improvements or new features.



Sorry for the delay in responding.


Each tracker clone works in different ways which makes it difficult to understand each one.  Yours ‘looks’ like it is Coban TK102B clone but the manual looks different to the one I have so it may be a clone of a clone :)

From the manual below it appears that there is a command (5.12.2 & 5.12.3) to save to the storage even if the GPRS signal is good. (If it is a Coban clone then you will have to copy the saved data to the PC via the USB cable).  

I think you are saying that when you tried the Save command it didn’t work? Was there nothing on the SD Card or internal storage?

Unfortunately, unlike the Xexun units, the Coban clones do not report altitude information.


I have some new Beta code which has better support for the Coban TK102B (and fixes a few bugs too) – Please let me know if you would like to try it and I will send it to you.


